About us

COMMODI ART COMPANY is the vision of Darius Holmes the Artist. Darius’ passion for visual art lead him to capture life through photography. He picked up his first camera at the age of 5. His interest continued through high school photography classes and lead to his enrollment at The Art Institutes International Minnesota. His photography and design reflects the world we live in from his perception, which goes beyond our day-to-day vision. Darius started COMMODI to give people the opportunity and avenue to express themselves through designer art. Within collections you'll find garments, hats and signed fine art prints. Keep your eyes open for future collections. As of 2019 Commodi Art Company will collaborate with other creatives to bring more greatness to the world! Released projects will display all forms of art. 

4th quarter, 2020 marks a much needed addition to our brand. We're very excited to add DTG custom printing services! Helping others bring their creative ideas to life was just a thought, now it's a reality that brings us a creative high that's unexplainable! Create with us and … 

Please create something everyday and stay positive!